Helsingborg, Sweden's Kollaps\e recently hit me up because their guitarist/vocalist used to be in a band called Miss Mofet that I wrote about a few times almost 20 years ago. Released all the way back in January, the quartet's two-song debut, The Pandemic Sessions, is cited to have been inspired by revered greats such as Breach, Cult of Luna, and Neurosis.
I'm pleased to report that said self-assessment is accurate.
Even better, Kollaps\e leans hard on only the finest aspects of those influences. That is to say: the stripped down and organic churn of dark, sludgy riffing and gravelly vocals, with only the faintest dash of tastefully atmospheric texture. No bland post-rock noodling, no excessive running times, etc. Both compositions are streamlined without being one-sided or monotonous, thus maximizing forceful impact while leaving the listener eager for more.
B-side "Murrain" is also killer, only slightly edged out by "Radiant//Static" as my pick.
Grab The Pandemic Sessions as a name your price download on Bandcamp, or stream it on Spotify. Hopefully Kollaps\e will return with more new material in 2022...