
Last to Remain “Operation Beatdown” CD

Last to Remain - Operation Beatdown"Operation Beatdown" is the debut full-length from Norway's Last to Remain (on Nothing But a Beatdown Records), and as the title would suggest, this is no frills metallic hardcore with plenty of those chugging "beatdown" styled breaks that have tended to be more prevalent from the European scene in recent years (though these cats have gotta be one of the few bands from Norway delivering this style of hardcore even today). Last to Remain formed way back in 2003 out of the ashes of a band called Aggravation, but apparently it took a few years and a couple of demos and lineup changes for them to fully realize their vision. I guess that time was worth it, though, because what makes the material so effective is that in addition to the gruff vocals and over the top mosh breaks, they maintain a classic, heavy NYHC type of foundation, with basic power chord rhythms and a little more speed, as well as some of the other traditional elements of the 90's "metalcore" scene, like Slayer-esque riffing and thrashy tremolo picking (think early All Out War and the like), so it's not a one-sided affair that's nothing but pounding slow to midpaced breakdowns all over the place, you know? The songwriting's definitely on point, and that really pays off. This is one of the better straight up, vicious metallic hardcore records I've heard in awhile. What can I say? I'm down...

Last to Remain "When the Smoke Clears"

Get It

Nothing But a Beatdown Records
Open Grave Records


  1. The guitars are great. But i just can’t get used to the singing. Ruins it for me, almost like a parody of every “euromosh” band i’ve heard.

    10.1.2008 | By Tim