
Intronaut “The Challenger” CD

Intronaut - The Challenger"The Challenger" is the latest EP from the mighty Intronaut on Translation Loss, offering up about 15 minutes of new material (in three songs) backed up by five live tracks (recorded in 2005 and 2007) and a remix. I'm not particularly interested in the live tracks here, though they sound fine, since I've never really had much interest in listening to live performances of songs that I already have via studio recordings, so... I'm only touching on the first three tracks herein. While I enjoy everything Intronaut has released to date, I have to confess that I still prefer their debut EP, "Null", over everything else, and I guess that all boils down to the sheer force and impact of the songwriting. A few more of those shimmery "post-rock" (or "post-metal", or whatever the fuck people like to call that stuff) types of textures and influences are continuing to seep in these days, and I'm just not wild on that style, but it's definitely worth pointing out that those elements never dominate what this band puts forth. The bulk of the material is still jammed with fucked up time signatures and complex arrangements full of chunky, churning rhythms and mangled dissonance, and there are always moments of brilliance tucked away throughout their work—often highlighting the jazzy technical skills of what is undoubtedly one of the most badass rhythm sections out there, period. I think I'm almost getting to the point where I'm sort of torn up over the fact that these guys are so fucking talented, and at their best ("Fragments of Character" off the "Null" EP, I always say it and I just must, 'cause that's a one-in-a-million fucking masterpiece right there) they can strike that fucking nerve that so, so, so few bands are capable of—where the aggression and the melody all gel perfectly into one focused, emotionally crushing whole—but they so frequently do so in 15—30 second spurts, as opposed to maintaining a level of consistency and power throughout. I don't know, what can I say? This isn't their best work, but it's solid, and I'm a fan... and knowing what they're capable of? I'll never stop listening...

Intronaut "The Challenger"

Get It

Translation Loss
The End Records
Relapse Records


  1. I loved the EP but wasn’t all that fussed on the LP. The three new songs here are a definite return to form, though.

    12.4.2007 | By manisthebastard

  2. Did you hear/review the Anubis Rising discography CD that came out a couple of years back (it was independently released - and the website I bought it from no longer exists)?  That is some really great stuff also - and gives a good idea of how much Mr. Duable has to do with the overall Intronaut sound.  I just ordered this and the new Rosetta from Translation Loss yesterday - can’t wait to hear ‘em…

    12.4.2007 | By Karl J

  3. The new Rosetta is sublime; the best thing I’ve heard this year.

    12.5.2007 | By bornagainst

  4. This is pretty cool.  The band came off as a bit nu-metal to me when I saw them back in the summer.  They’ve got a monotonous, low-tuned bouncy thing going on a lot of the time but then there are some rad jazzed out moments, too. 

    Does Rosetta still sound like Isis?

    12.5.2007 | By Justin

  5. I think Rosetta has sounded more like Neurosis, but on the new record they have founded their own sound which is pretty godlike.

    12.7.2007 | By Sergei